Here we are, two weeks post move-in and I thought it was time for an update! Thanks to Angi for taking the photos.
To back it up a few weeks, Angi orchestrated the movers on March 26th while I worked - huge thanks to her! LOTS of challenges that day, but at the end of the day, all my stuff was here. For the next several days, I moved and unpacked boxes till I couldn't move or unpack one more thing. At 9:00 the night before I went back to work, I had unpacked my last box and had the entire main floor, screened porch and garage all organized!
Over that first weekend, the kids all came over and helped get things set up and settled. We had the first family dinner on paper plates, sitting amidst boxes - and I realized the best thing about this house: it's going to be a really good space for the family. Lots of space for the adults and space for the kids to be kids downstairs and just really good energy all around. Outdoors will be a great space as well, once I get some grass :)
The photos below are 'interim', as there is still plenty to do inside (a few pieces of furniture, window coverings, rugs, etc.) in order for me to feel completely finished. But it's good to see the progress we're making along the way. And, I'm enjoying taking my time making the remaining selections.
Next up for me: set up shelves and get the storage space downstairs organized, get an office / sewing space set up, etc. For Mark, just the steps and a few things to wrap-up outside. We're looking for the landscaper to come and do some dirt moving, so the steps can start. I probably won't have lawn, or other fun landscape-type things, until May. And...we're anxiously awaiting the weight restrictions to be lifted, so I can get a driveway!
There will be lots of updates in the coming weeks and months - I'll be sure to post progress photos!
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