Friday, October 18, 2013

Moving Inside.

What a cold and rainy week it's been!  The guys got the sheeting and felt on the roof just in the nick of time, so now it's pretty dry inside the house. 

So many big things have happened in the past few weeks, that it's been a requirement to go over to the house every day to see what has been done.  Now that we are walled, roofed, sheeted and wrapped, we'll be moving inside and the visible changes will slow down.  There are still so many things afoot!  Windows were just ordered; shingles will go up when it stops raining; garage floor is getting poured and the electrician and plumber are starting.  There are a ton of decisions that are being made too: faucets, fixtures, which trees stay and which go, and biggest of all: the siding color is due on Monday.  I've really agonized over this one decision more than any other...and....I think it's going to be red.  Love!

This is the back corner of the house, a view I rarely shoot from.  The screened porch will go where the roofline breaks.

The garage floor, all leveled with drain in.  If it doesn't rain too much tomorrow, the concrete floor will be poured.

I love this's my Hankie in his 'favorite' tree...the one out of all he has chosen to be his.  He's been in it every time we've been at the property this week.  He can stand right against the trunk so you can't even see him, which I why I think he likes it so much.

The kids and I had a grand time on Sunday walking the entire property, which is when Henry discovered his tree.  Ava had lots of 'oh, this will be a perfect reading spot' moments...tucked under a pine tree here, sitting on a rock there.  This photo was taken Monday night as she was keeping herself busy while we worked out some details.  Pull up a seat on a few sticks for a read?  Don't mind if I do!

Henry in the kitchen...he was giving me his most charming smile, as he wanted to play on my phone.

You can barely see him, but that's Mark up on the ladder installing 'eyebrow' detail on the south side of the house.

And this is the finished eyebrow on the north side of the house.  I love it!

Another Lorax moment...this is the last of the clearing and where the pool will be placed.  I'm happy we're finished cutting trees.  I met with the landscaper this week and he has a great vision for the back of the property and pool.  I can hardly wait to see his whole design!

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